How we reduced the time to market for software products

Let me tell you a story about how we revolutionized our product development process and reduced our time to market by a whopping 73% on average!

As a CTO in the finance space, I was always looking for ways to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the tech industry and stay ahead of the competition. One of the biggest challenges we faced was the time it took to develop and launch new products. We needed a solution that would enable us to launch more and better products, faster.

That's when we discovered the power of a fully-loaded component library. Not only did it make our product development process more efficient, but it also ensured that our products were compliant with all accessibility guidelines, making them accessible to all users.

The best part was that it was compatible with both designers and engineers, making it easy to use and implement. By reducing the time it took to bring products to market, we were able to tailor our maintenance efforts accordingly, allowing us to launch more products without sacrificing quality.

But that's not all. One of the key benefits of using a production-ready component library was the ability to bring our own design system and use it with their components. This empowered our team to maintain a consistent design language across all products, reducing the need for custom design work and speeding up development.

Of course, there was a bit of a learning curve during the setup process as we integrated our design system into the library. But over time, we saw a dramatic reduction in implementation time thanks to the re-usability of components. It was a smart investment that paid off in the long run.

In conclusion, using a fully-loaded component library was a game-changer for us. It made our product development process more efficient, accessible, and standardized. We were able to launch high-quality products faster, while maintaining a consistent design language. And best of all, we reduced our time to market by 73% on average.